
Documents scanning and digitizing services

We scan a lot of books, lab notebooks, and media types for our clients. These include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Hardcover books
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Rare and fragile books
  • Lab notebooks
  • Yearbooks
  • Manuals
  • Research notebooks
  • Logbooks
  • Ledgers
  • Bound medical records
  • Surveys

As a high-volume document scanning company, we typically don’t scan just one book. We primarily work with large collections and archives. Benefits of Book Scanning Here at Archiving Solutions (ASC) we believe in the power of digital media, and books are no exception. There are a wide variety of benefits to scanned books, including: Protect Intellectual Property And Propriety Data This is especially true for lab and research notebooks. Physical copies of these kinds of records leave them open to potential loss or damage. Scanning these allow you to not only have a backup but also keep the information password-protected so that only people authorized to see the notes can access the files. Increase Office And Shelf Space The immediate benefit of digitizing your collection of books is that you will free up significant space in your office or records room. Books and notebooks will be scanned and then either destroyed or returned to you for long-term storage elsewhere. Easier Access With your books scanned to digital files, and then run through optical character recognition (OCR), your media becomes fully text searchable. This means you can do an extensive and easy look-up if you want to find a name across newspaper archives or product mentions in instruction manuals. Additionally, multiple people can access the same work at once. This allows for easier collaboration, lower wait times, and fewer misunderstandings. Digital files can be emailed out instead of needing to be mailed, or links can be shared with auditors. Also, authorized users will be able to access the data from just about anywhere on their mobile devices. Preserve Historical Information One of the main reasons that organizations choose to scan their books are they can preserve the information forever. You won’t have to go to your records room and page through old books just to get the information you need; you’ll only need to do a search from your computer! This is also great for libraries and historical societies that want to make information accessible but want to limit contact with their older books.